Friday, 30 November 2007


After watching the final outcome of our film, I am really proud of what we have achieved as a group and what I have achieved individually.

As a group we worked really well together. There were moments when we snapped at each other through stress etc but nothing major and we even managed to continue our tradition of Chinese-food-Tuesday, so all was good :) I suppose the only thing we didn't manage to agree on was working style. From the 'easy-going' members own mouth, three of us were trying perfectionists whilst the fourth member wanted to work much more easy going.

Individually, I can see that I have come along way since my last project. I can now texture and use Photoshop and have learnt so many new modelling techniques. Over Christmas, myself and Dans have already set some personal projects where hopefully we will be able to develop the skills that we learnt on this one.

Enjoy the film.... when we put it up!

1 comment:

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