Sunday, 28 October 2007

Week 4- Further Development

More designs for objects in our house. My favourites are the stone cat gargoyle to guard our house and the shark grammar phone. The stone cat was inspired by two things, a cat we ‘adopted’ in Barcelona that we named Scarlet and some stone pillars we found out there with lions guarding an entrance to a building. I thought it would be fitting to use Scarlet as she is related to Lions, has a personal connection to us and cats are meant to ward off evil. The grammar phone is a person reference to Dan R, who hates sharks and this would hopefully keep him out of my study!

More designs. The most important thing on this page is the three small drawings at the bottom as these show the layout to the study.

Designs of stairs leading from the ballroom to the study.
This image influenced my top design. I particually liked the rails as they were delicate and elegant but a little abstract.

This staircase in Barcelona inspired the two left designs. I particularly liked the bottom left design as it was such a large extravagant entrance to a little study. Me and Dan R debated a while over which steps to use, either the middle left or the bottom left. Dan thought there might not be enough room to add the larger steps. In the end it was decided on the bottom left as it would make the ballroom more grand and extended the ballroom model in our prototype.

The staircase to the right was just me experimenting with changing the angles and sizes of different steps. I realised as I went down that it looks more effective to have the odd strange step placed randomly between normal steps rather than one after the other which can get too much and look too cluttered.

The chanderleer in the top right is a compromise between a design that I did and one Dan R constructed. His design was much posher than mine whilst mine was more weird and wiry. By putting both our designs together we ended up with posh and weird. Yay!

The fireplace is a pretty standard design. I felt that if every single object in the room was ‘weird’ then it might be too overpowering for the audience. I did think that we should each put a symbol representing us on a tile. I wanted a black widow for mine- the coolest female in nature. Male angers her- she eats him! Brilliant. I discussed this with the group and they were all up for it. I liked the candles that are on it too. The candle photo we took in Barcelona, inspired me for that idea. And definately keeping them red, my favourate colour. A bit of brightness against the gloom!

Simple knife and fork design.

Ok, this is the worst design I have ever created in my life! It is so hideous! In Barcelona there was a really camp statue that we all liked and a creepy little statue on the beach. I was just messing around trying to combine them, maybe make it a bit abstract… when this hideous design was produced! As Dan R is designing the courtyard with the statues inside, I think I’ll just leave him to it!

It occurred to me and the Dans that it was about time we argued out the layout of the ballroom. Using the prototype and where we had planned the stain glass windows to go and the position of the study, there was only limited positions where the door and fireplace could be placed. Using our amazing artistic talents and the latest technology we carefully constructed the above image. From these amazing sets of scribbles we knew exactly were we wanted the key objects in the room to be placed. We also decided from this diagram of wonder that we would have brackets coming from the room with wooden beams crossing over and chandeliers dangling from the crossover points. Because as a group we were also designing our storyboards at the same time, it fitted much better that the table be placed where Dan R had originally wanted it- in the middle of the room.

Brackets from Barcelona that I wanted to include.

The indented pillars inspired my design for the beams.

Inspiration was taken from the following images I took from Barcelona, if not stated otherwise. Basically, I picked out elements from buildings etc that I thought would match the style of our house.





6. Was returning to Dan C's original idea of combining nature.


As a group, everyone unanimously picked balcony 4. The hardest one. Whhhhhyyyyy?!

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